I will address the alarming rise in domestic violence cases, lower recidivism through jobs programs, and work to increase funding for mental healthcare and homelessness services so that everyone feels safe in their home, school, and community.
Crime & Recidivism Prevention
Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home, school, and community. To address and prevent crime, we must uplift and support vulnerable people and end the school-to-prison pipeline. Preventing recidivism requires services for rehabilitation and opportunities for stability.
Homeless Shelters
Homeless and domestic violence shelters must have long-term funding for wraparound services including mental health care, employment assistance, on-site social workers, and security to ensure they and adjacent communities can coexist while building towards stable housing.
Domestic Violence
It is essential to establish reliable state funding instead of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) as the primary funding stream for domestic violence (DV) services and reduce administrative burdens placed on these programs. I will work to restructure funding from the per-diem “heads in beds” model to support DV survivors’ individual needs and desires while broadening the range of services and options available to them. Funding for residential and non-residential DV services must also be integrated to ensure DV survivors are able to access a variety of the services and programs available.
Refugees and asylum seekers cannot contribute positively to society without a pathway to legal work that includes information and services. A state-level rollout of the NYC New Arrivals Strategy Team will bring resources throughout the state to support this legal pathway.
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